
Winter kitchen

Destacada, Gastronomy


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Winter kitchen

Winter arrives and Christmas and, with it, the moments of leisure and recreation are multiplied. The traditional, cassolana cuisine in Pinedna allows us to enjoy authentic gourmets of the gastronomic potential of our region. It’s an era of the year that invites you to a popular and familiar cuisine. Our restaurants fill out their special elaboration charts for these dates, with proximity and seasonal products that make us enjoy unforgettable days with family and friends, with a warm environment.

Pinedenc is of the opinion that nothing more typical of Christmas than cannelloni, those good ones, those of a lifetime or a good squid with pot, galettes and ball. A good peasant chicken with confetti, a good squid, craftswomen, nougat and chocolate, can not be missed during meetings with family and friends because it is part of our culinary culture.

As a typical and characteristic product of Pineda de Mar, we find garlic which is a variety of carquinyoli exclusively from our town.