
Montnegre Park


Montnegre and el Corredor Park

Forests by the sea. The park stands out for the splendid pine woods of the coastal slope, which are transformed into holm oak, oak and cherry trees to the interior of the massif. The Neolithic dolmens, the Iberian remains and the medieval churches are inserted into a diverse landscape of crops, forests and farmhouses, the product of agroforestry uses in the last centuries.

Montnegre i el Corredor Park Office

Address: C / de la Iglesia, 13, 2n - 08470 Vallgorguina
Telephone: 93 867 94 52
Hours: Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Website: http://parcs.diba.cat/web/montnegre
E-mail: ccrpineda@ccrpineda.com