Pineda de Mar revalidates three flowers of honor of the “Floridas Villas”.
Pineda de Mar revalidates three flowers of honor of the “Floridas Villas”.
Viles Florides promotes the transformation of the towns and corners of Catalonia through flowers.
The award recngnizes floral ornamentation, urban furniture and playful spaces. It takes into account values such as the protection of green spaces, conservation of urban furniture, the presence of playgrounds, social awareness regarding environmental sustainability policies or the development of local economies through the appeal of urban parks and gardens.
A specialized jury made up of professionals from gardening, landscaping, urban furniture and other areas, is responsible for certifying and renewing this annuity annually, such as in 2018 that Pineda de Mar has renewed its 3 honor flowers.
The awards ceremony was held on 05/10/2018 and representatives of Pineda de Mar went to collect the distinction.