Fora Estocs (Out with all the stock)
Família, Shopping
Fora Estocs (Out with all the stock)
The Fora Estocs Campanya celebrates the first September of the month of September. Aquest 2018 will be the third edition. To the campaign Fora Estocs trobem a fusió d’espectacles, botigues al carrer, atractcions atractives, sortejos. L’Associació de comerciants encourages eating pinedenc treure les botigues al carrer aprofitant the fi season. The botiguers aprofiten to promote the seus establiments fent campanyes specials for this data and col.laborant activament in the dynamització of the commercial areas.
Date of the celebration:
1st weekend of the month of September
Location of the activity:
Pineda Center and Poblenou (shopping areas)
Organized by:
Pineda de Mar Town Hall
In collaboration with::
The Shopkeepers and Entrepreneurs’ Association “Gent de Pineda”